125. Scripture Spotlight: Isaiah 55

This week's passage paints a powerful image of the Kingdom of God. What truths jump out, and what did we notice? How do our personal experiences help us to apply these verses? We wrestle with these questions, even exploring what good can come from exile and how the chapter propels us in mission, as well.

MM MesoamericaComment
124. Genesis Reentry

Scott and Emily have recently spent a week with the missionaries sent in 2019 to plant churches in Monterrey, Mexico and Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. They have heard some amazing stories of God’s faithfulness and of community impact, and they now convey those to us. What were some of the missionary strategies that worked or didn’t work? How was it somehow possible to plant churches during a pandemic? The testimonies of victory and transformation renewed and challenged us; we hope it will be the same for you!

MM MesoamericaComment
123. Been Thinking...

As we enter the new year, what do we want to take into 2022? The cast has definitely been thinking about transition, calling, risk, and the smallest mammal in the world.

MM MesoamericaComment
122. Annual Report

As we look back on 2021, we want to recognize how we’ve seen God at work. This week we share some stats from the past year and also what God has been doing in our ministries, even in the midst of a pandemic. We share exciting stories from Mission Without Limits, the School of Leadership, and much more! 

MM MesoamericaComment
120. Scripture Spotlight: Matthew 25:31-46

This week’s passage holds some uncomfortable truths. Who are we as Christ-followers and what should our actions look like as such? The Worthless Servants discuss the differences between being saved by works and being saved for works. Can faith be divorced from action? Can we even “get into heaven” if we do not do good to others? What are some examples of churches effectively ministering to “the least of these brothers and sisters" of Jesus?

MM MesoamericaComment
119. Story Time

We’re back with more stories from the mission field! Grab a blanket and a cup of hot chocolate and relax while we share about wedding culture, sawdust carpets, and impromptu tours.

MM MesoamericaComment
118. How to Pray for Missionaries

Ever wonder how to pray for a missionary more specifically? Do you ever fall into a rut as you pray for their protection and health over and over? This week we offer some tips on how to be more focused and creative in your prayer life for missions. We share a list of seven specifics to pray for or against including pride, stagnation, loneliness and more. Also, how can the acronym “BLESS" be used as a guide to praying for missionaries?

MM MesoamericaComment
117. Been Thinking...

This week we share about what’s been on our minds, including Strengths Finders, grape vines, the call to serve, and more. Don’t miss out - this one went in some very interesting directions!

MM MesoamericaComment
116. Home Assignment in a Pandemic

Fresh off their time in the U.S., Scott and Emily share their perspectives on home assignment. What is it? What was it like for their kids? How did the pandemic influence this specific year? Chelsea interviews the Armstrongs and uncovers some funny and thought-provoking stories along the way.

MM MesoamericaComment
115. Mentoring

This year, the Mesoamerica Region of the Church of the Nazarene has been engaged in intentional mentorship training. What does mentoring look like? What has been the impact already in our Region? What are some effective ways to mentor?

MM MesoamericaComment
113. The Role of the Pastor

How does your church view your pastor? We’ve identified three types of relationships between church and pastor. Which one is more healthy? Which one is more prevalent? We share examples of how we grew up thinking about a pastor’s duties, as well as examples of healthy church/pastor dynamics. How do you view the role of your pastor? 

MM MesoamericaComment
112. The 8 C's

Have you ever wondered how the Church of the Nazarene evaluates and develops missionaries? Eight areas have been identified where candidates all over the world can grow. In this episode the Worthless Servants share practical examples and stories of how this assessment is used in our region and beyond. Why are the 8 C’s important? Why are they used for both evaluation and development? 

MM MesoamericaComment
111. Been Thinking...

This week we reflect on mentoring, fulfilling a call, and "discovering" culture. We also remember what new missionaries think and feel in their first months in ministry. 

MM MesoamericaComment
110. Scripture Spotlight: 2 Corinthians 5:11-21

This week is jam packed with goodies! There is so much in this passage that we don’t even know where to start. We talk about many of the applications of this text to our lives today, the power of being made "new creations," and how to be ambassadors. What stands out to you? What do you take away from this classic passage? 

MM MesoamericaComment
109. Story Time

It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for (maybe)! This week we tell some of our stories from the mission field. Listen as we share some funny moments as well as some impactful experiences. Our memories include gifts in other cultures, skydiving guinea pigs, and much more. 

MM MesoamericaComment
107. Scripture Spotlight: Isaiah 61:1-3

This week's Scripture Spotlight hits the mark for several Worthless Servants. Even though it’s just 3 verses, it is packed with counter-cultural implications and a very pointed job description for Christ - and, therefore, those who follow Him. How does this relate to the Church today? How does this characterize our mission as Christians? 

MM MesoamericaComment
106. The Year of Grace

The General Superintendents of the Church of the Nazarene annually give a report regarding milestones and challenges that the denomination has faced. This year Dr. Carla Sunberg characterized 2020 as a “year of grace.” People around the globe have been serving and giving and being the Church! In the face of such adversity, how have things been filled with God’s grace in 2020? How have we remained connected? Where do we go from here? 

MM MesoamericaComment